Fuji Apple

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Tree ID: 
Genus and species: 
small, deciduous tree
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Tree shape: 
Date of tree entry: 
13.10 m
Diameter at breast height: 
15.90 m

Hide Bark
Bark is grey and brown with thin, scaly flaking plates
Hide Twigs & branches
Many twigs and branches with short shoots and compact scars, greyish-brown with small, lateral buds.
Hide Foilage
Leaves are oval-shaped, with grey fuzz or hairs on the underside. The leaves and the short shoots are arranged alternatively. The leaves turn yellow in the fall.
Hide Reproductive Structures
Another tree within approximately 50 feet that is also in its blooming period is required for pollination, such as Braeburn or Rome. Cross-pollination is required, when pollen of one apple comes in contact with the pollen of another flower, to initiate the growth of the pollen tube. Every pollen grain has two sperms and the classic, domestic apple has 17 chromosomes in both sperm and egg. Via double fertilization, one sperm fertilizes one egg in the ovule, and one sperm combines two haploid cells in the same ovule. The first fertilization produces the zygote, which develops into an embryo. The second fertilization forms the endosperm, which is used as food for the embryo as well as other animals. Seeds are formed when the endosperm and embryo combine, and they ovary becomes the fruit around the seeds. Seeds are also used for dispersal, reproduction, and genetic variation.
Hide Fruit
Fruit is medium to large, juicy, and sweet. It is most ripe between mid-September and mid-October. White flowers appear mid-April.
Hide Seasons
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Seasonal Phenology
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
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Natural range of distribution: 
The Fuji can grow in almost any well-drained, loamy, soil type, with a pH around 6.0-7.0. The tree grows best in sunny spots.
Origin, history, and uses: 

Discovered at Tohoku Research Station, Fujisaki, Aomori, Japan, the late 1930s; Brought to market 1962. It is a cross between the ‘Red Delicious’ and the ‘Virginia Ralls Genet.’ The apples are known for their sweetness and crispiness and are thought to have longer shelf-life, even without refrigeration. 

Growth Stages in Apple: Dormant, Silver Tip, Green Tip, Half-inch Green, Tight Cluster, Pink, Bloom, Petal Fall, Fruit Set
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