Large leaf linden

Basic Information
Tree ID: 
Genus and species: 
The Tilia platyphyllos, or Large leaf Linden, is a deciduous tree that is known for the large, pyramidally shaped shade it generates with its foliage (although, it is not observed in these photos because it usually blooms around June). When in bloom, the leaf venation is palmate along a midrib. In June, it blooms pale yellow flowers that droop and has fragrant that attracts bees for pollination. This flowers turn into small, cream colored fruits. The stems turn a reddish color in late spring/early summer to a a dark grey in the late fall.
Nikoletta Toffoloni & Michelle Alozie
Collected Data
Tree shape: 
Date of tree entry: 
39.00 m
Diameter at breast height: 
0.76 m

The bark has fine fissures and furrows.
Twigs & branches
The leaf buds are arranged alternatively along the twig/branches. They are redish brown twigs that then grow greyish bark. There are small downy hairs that line the twigs.
Unable to get a picture of the tree with its foliage because it blooms later on in the year, so all photos generated from wikimedia. But, the foliage consists of a very simple-styled, alternately arranged green leaves in the spring. In the autumn, these leaves change to a yellow-green color. The leaves are shaped between ovate and cordate and have teeth-like ridges on the perimeter of the blade. The leafs vennation is palmate alog the midrib. The leaf has a small petiole that varies between 1.5 and 5 cm long and a large leaf ranging from 6 to 9 cm (in some cases even 15 cm).
Reproductive Structures
The superior ovary is 2–10 locular with only one smooth style. These small flowers are usually pollinated by bees. Seed germination takes about 2 years and they germinate from older trees. It also has the possibiity to reproduce vegetatively through cuttings propagates from old trees and root layers.
Small fragrant yellowish-white colored, drooping hemaphroditic flowers turn into small cream colored fruits. The fruit is round and consists of a woody shell with some ridges.
  • Tree in the autumn (via wikimedia)
  • Tree in the summer, full bloom (via wikimedia)
  • Tree in the winter
Natural range of distribution: 
Tilia platyphyllos is widely planted throughout the temperate world with medium moisture and well-drained, calcareous, fertile soils in full sun to part shade, like a woodlan canopy. Tilia platyphyllos also has the ability to adapt to a wide range of soil conditions and has a tolerance for urban condition which is a main reason it is widly thrives in city's streets and parks. Since it has great folliage, it can also be grown as a hedge since it is tolerant to heavy pruning. T. platyphyllos live on average 500 years.
Origin, history, and uses: 

Largeleaf Linden originated from Europe and Southeast Asia. There are 2 famous trees in Bavaria and Slovakia that are 300 and 700 years old, respectively. This tree has a large range of useage. Its wood is used for carving, and almost all parts can be used for fodder, to makes ropes or used for firewood. Bast can be extracted forom the phloem and honey was also extracted commenly in the Middle Ages. T. platyphyllos’ flowers, leaves, wood and charcoal can also be used medicinally as an anitoxidant, anti-inflammatory, astringent, a diuretic, antispasmodic, sedative, cure colds, cough, fever, infections, high blood pressure, and headaches. The dried flower and fruit are mildly sweet and can be used to make tea that helps with irregular heart beats, and vomiting. The flowers can also be added to a bath and produce some hysteria.

Tilia platyphyllos is a deciduous tree that has leaves buds in the early spring, has full folliage from late spring to early fall, flowers bloom and create fruit midsummer, change leaf color from green to a pale yellow in the early fall, and subsequently looses its leaves.

“Tilia Platyphyllos Scop. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science.” Plants of the World Online,

“Tilia Platyphyllos.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Apr. 2018,

Tilia Platyphyllos - Plant Finder,….

“Tilia Platyphyllos.” Tilia Platyphyllos - Wikimedia Commons,

“Tilia Platyphyllos .” Tilia Platyphyllos (Large-Leaved Lime),

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