Evergreen azalea

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Tree ID: 
Genus and species: 
The evergreen azalea is a green shrub planted next to Yale Health along Lock Street.. Similar to other shrubs in the area, it is small but wide. During the winter season, the bulbs for flowering are not activated, but holds promise for a beautiful array of colors come springtime.
Vanya Shivashankar, Linda Thach, Labeebah Subair
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Tree shape: 
shrub, short, round
Date of tree entry: 
0.09 m
Diameter at breast height: 
0.05 m

Hide Bark
Bark of the evergreen azalea is a light brown color. The bark has a flaky exterior texture, with small protrusions along the base of the bark.
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The leaves of the evergreen azalea are quite small, but they all are shaped similarly (football shaped). Their color generally remains a solid green for most of the year. In the fall, some varieties do experience a change in colors from green to yellow or brown, and may even fall off.
Hide Reproductive Structures
Flowers of rhododendron indium are colorful, usually showy and hot pink. They are funnel-shaped, about 4 cm long and 5 cm in diameter.
Hide Fruit
The fruit type of the rhododendron indicum is capsule. They are dehiscent and five-valved. It is dried and hairy.
Hide Seasons
  • Rhododendron indicum in the Spring
  • Rhododendron indicum in the Winter
  • Rhododendron indicum in dry summer
  • Rhododendron indicum in fall
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
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Natural range of distribution: 
The Evergreen azalea (rhododendron indicum) is native to Japan. Its specific geographical origin is South and West Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Yakushima. In Japan, it specifically grows among rocks and ravines. It prefers to live in moist soils, and can grow in light shade. It prefers a tropical climate zone, and its native habitat is terrestrial.
Origin, history, and uses: 

The first Rhododendron to be classified was named R. hirsutum and was first discovered in the 16th century by Flemish botanist: Charles L’Ecluse or Clusius. Evergreen Azalea (R. indicum) originated from China and Japan and was first classified in the 17th century. Most evergreen azaleas originated in Japan, but some came from China, Korea or Taiwan. Several deciduous azaleas are native to North America while others originated in Eastern Europe, Japan, China and Korea. Others come from hybrid crosses. The first American azaleas were planted on a plantation near Charleston, South Carolina and have been associated with Southern gardens ever since

Summer, Fall and late Spring: Summer leaves are smaller, dome shaped and concentrated below terminal buds, dimorphism of leaves apparent when full leaves appear, showing red sprouted flowers bloom from late Spring through Fall. No bloom in Winter and early Spring. Evergreen azaleas keep most of their foliage year round. Require partial shade and protection from direct sun and wind. Tend to grow 6 feet or less with a mound-like shaped. Bloom in a variety of forms including strap-like, star-shaped or round petals. Bloom in flowers of white, purple, pink, red, orange
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Summer, Summmer

“The rain is falling, coalescing now
Off the roof onto new blooms.
Dusk slips in with its indigo shroud
And I watch it kiss the purple,
Of the Rhododendron’s earliest flower,
Plucking away Azalea’s last veil,
Hiding her into a bower…

It ends and begins with summer, summer,
Soundless footsteps in the rain.
A prismatic wakening from slumber,
A season with no name”

- Sharon Talbot (2017)