Trees on the Yale Nature Walk

Tree ID: 138
Date of tree entry: February 24, 2021
Loquats are evergreen trees that originated in China and grow in subtropical regions all over the world. The tree pictured is one of four loquat trees in my backyard and is approximately five years old. This tree accidentally grew in this spot because my dad threw the seeds into the grass here after eating a fruit from one of the other trees. The fruits that this tree produces are tangy and sweet, and its leaves make an aromatic tea.
Tree ID: 133
Date of tree entry: April 5, 2021
This generous magnolia tree welcomes strangers and residents alike, whether they're rushing to class or walking home after a long day of work. Its fragrant, early-spring blossoms bring joy and vibrance to the neighborhood in the spring, and its ovular leaves turn a festive orange-y green in the fall. The Saucer Magnolia is a hybrid first bred in France in 1820, and despite this ones height, it is actually a large spreading shrub which takes its name from the pink and white saucer-like flowers. Its ease of cultivation and relative tolerance to a range of weather and soil conditions makes it a popular tree for the home garden. hint: can you find the pair of "bluebirds" who live by this tree?
Saucer magnolia, early blooms
Tree ID: 143
Date of tree entry: March 21, 2021
This tree is located in my backyard! It's one of my favorite trees with its lovely flowers, heavy floral perfume, and rich, leafy green canopy during the summertime.
Tree ID: 150
Date of tree entry: March 1, 2021
The Norway Spruce may be one of the most iconic trees to exist. These trees originated from Europe and now resides in the 2/3 of Northeast United States and in East Canada as well. They could grow to be over 100 feet tall and 25 feet wide and live up to approximately 300 years. Given their massive size and long life span, their prevalence in human history has been clearly noted in human culture. For instance, this type of tree is considered to be the "Christmas Tree," even being placed in Rockefeller center for Christmas. Also, some other fun facts about the Norway Spruce include using their young branches to make beer, shoot tips for medical ointments and concoctions, and wood for instruments or furniture pieces. Its sheer size, population, human applications, and cultural significance highlight how significance of the Norway Spruce.
River Birch
Tree ID: 128
Date of tree entry: February 25, 2021
The newly developed Science Hill, overlooking Hillhouse Ave., is filled with trees and shrubs, including several Betula nigra, or river birch, individuals. This specimen, located just across from Kroon Hall, is situated in a small garden area next to a ramp and walkway, distanced but within eyesight of the Forest Garden (between Kroon and Sage halls). The young (in 2021) river birch has five trunks, and is approximately 5.08m tall. Due to its age, this river birch sheds its bark in thin and loose curls every spring in preparation for the new growing season.
Tree ID: 140
Date of tree entry: February 25, 2021
The Jacaranda is hard to miss when it's in full bloom with its alluring bluish-purple flowers. Once the flowers begin to fall and line the streets, they create a stunning carpet that almost makes you forget the rush of traffic and people that surround you. The tree I chose (and there were many Jacarandas to chose from) has been a highlight of my visits to the nearby park with my dogs. Although all traces of its signature purple flowers are gone, I know I will continue to appreciate it now that I have learned more about its biology and history. ----------------------------- Es difícil pasar por alto la Jacaranda cuando está en plena floración con sus atractivas flores de color púrpura azulado. Una vez que las flores comienzan a caer y se juntan en las calles, crean una alfombra deslumbrante que casi te hace olvidar el tráfico y la gente que te rodea. El árbol que elegí (había muchas Jacarandas para elegir) ha sido lo más destacado de mis visitas al parque con mis perros. Aunque todos los rastros de sus flores moradas han desaparecido, sé que continuaré apreciándola ahora que he aprendido más sobre su biología e historia.
Tree ID: 149
Date of tree entry: February 24, 2021
Weeping Higan Cherry trees originate in Japan, but they, along with many other Japanese cherry trees, were introduced to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since then, they have graced gardens across the country, from Yale University to Washington D.C.'s National Mall. Nestled into a planter on the north side of Branford Court, just outside the Saybrook Dining Hall, this Weeping Higan Cherry bursts into color each year in mid-April to announce the arrival of spring, and, in its more subdued autumn hues, provides the background for the annual Branford first-year class photo.
Tree ID: 110
Date of tree entry: February 24, 2021
Contrary to its name, Sweet Fern is not actually a fern. It is a flowering shrub with fern-like leaves that is native to eastern North America. Today, Comptonia peregrina is the only extant species of Comptonia. Unfortunately, this specific Sweet Fern plant is dead.
Tree ID: 145
Date of tree entry: February 24, 2021
Every morning for the past year, I have been greeted by this tree. It sits in my line of sight as I stare out at the busy street of Edgewood Avenue in New Haven, CT. The tree has company, as edge wood is lined with various tree species--the tree also sits across from Rainbow Park, a garden with even more diversity in plants within its black iron gates. From thin dark branches resembling haunted trees that should be in a Disney movie, it now stands vibrant--signaling the verge of new colors and a new season in the Elm city.
Tree ID: 142
Date of tree entry: February 23, 2021
Don't let the naming fool you: despite it being called the Eastern red cedar, this tree is actually a juniper. In fact, it is the most widespread juniper across the eastern United States! It then comes at no surprise that we see this massive 45 foot tree towering over the Undergraduate Admissions Office. An additional fun fact: the eastern red cedar was the choice of wood in manufacturing pencils up until 1920, due to the material being soft and aromatic. This process stopped due to them cutting down all the trees! Thankfully, the tree is no longer endangered; the eastern red cedar's population is rising across the U.S.
