There are various names for the fruits of the pawpaw: poor man's banana, Hoosier banana, and custard apple.The fruits of the pawpaw are oblong in shape and frequently appear in clusters, with each individual fruit resembling a short, fat banana. They are at first green in color then turn yellow then brown as they ripen in the fall. The fruits attract birds, squirrels, and other small mammals. Consumption of the fruit will lead to dispersal of the seeds in feces. This increases dispersal of seeds so that progeny grow distant from the parent tree. When fully ripe, the edible flesh becomes soft like a custard and will have a taste very similar to that of a banana. The fruits are very nutritious, as it is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, unsaturated fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Pawpaws actually contain more potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur than apples, grapes or peaches. Ripe pawpaw fruit have two rows of relatively large, bean-shaped seeds. However, one must be careful, since these seeds can result in digestive problems if consumed.