Oh Honey [Locust], How You’ve Grown!
by Nathan Adams and Hannah Friedman
There in your honey pod you rest
Lying snug among your friends.
Safely in your mother’s nest,
You hope it never ends.
New in life, you are green
(and I mean in more ways than one).
The world remains still unseen,
but bright beneath the summer sun.
Yet time goes by and Fall draws near
Your pod begins to dry.
Leaves rustle in the morning clear –
The time has come to fly!
Your pod it drops from quite a height
And breaks upon the ground
Your friends are strewn all out of sight
Your seedling cries make not a sound.
You burrow deep into the earth
As winter’s cold begins to bite
Soil covers your seedy girth
And soon you can’t see light.
The months go past
A blur of cold, lonely fear.
Yet you know the freeze won’t last
For Spring must come each year.
And soon it brings the sun’s warm rays;
The ground gets soft and wet.
With it comes the longer days,
A new spirit, a fresh mindset.
You stretch your neck up through the soil
To let your joy be known.
Leave behind your hardship and toil.
Oh Honey [Locust], how you’ve grown!
Once sprouted it quickly climbs
Beneath the sun it casually mimes
A man reaching, arms outstretched
Snatching all sunlight it can catch
It’s thorns burst from beneath the bark
Extending out in a graceful arc
Soon its leaves change from green to gold
No less splendid in the cold
Branching from the earth where the seed was sown
Oh Honey (Locust), how you’ve grown!