Crab Apple Tree

Basic Information
Tree ID: 
Genus and species: 
This blossoming crab apple tree is the main character of Berkeley College's North Court. Malus trees are a group of 42-55 small, deciduous trees or shrubs that grow 4-12 meters in height. Malus trees are native to the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Malus trees are often self-sterile which means that cross-pollinators like bees are recruited to spread pollen from the stamen of one Malus flower to the stigma of another Malus flower. However, it is common that Malus species freely hybridize, which can make it difficult to categorize a unidentified Malus tree based solely on its physical characteristics.
Liam Curtis
Collected Data
Tree shape: 
Date of tree entry: 
4.60 m
Diameter at breast height: 
0.40 m

There are too many multiple trunks to accurately measure the DBH, so this is just an estimate
The bark of this Malus tree is brown-greyish, scaly, and patchy. When Malus trees are young, their bark tends to be smoother. However, as they age, Malus bark starts the crack and become more scaly.
Twigs & branches
The branches of this Malus bare the weight of dense spring foliage. For Malus twigs, end buds are true and sharp-pointed, leafstalks are glandless, and thorns are only found on older wood.
Though Malus branches lay bare in the winter, Malus trees blossom vibrantly and densely in the springtime. The leaves of Malus trees range from 3–10 cm in length; they are also alternate and simple.
Reproductive Structures
Malus trees are angiosperms aka flowering plants. Malus flowers are pink or white clustered with 5 rounded petals, highly fragrant, and nearly 4 cm wide. Malus trees are often self-sterile which means that cross-pollinators such as bees or other insects are recruited to spread pollen from the stamen of one Malus flower to the stigma of another Malus flower.
Crab apple trees are closely related to ordinary apple trees. The main difference, however, is that the fruits of crab apple trees measure about 2 inches or less in diameter while the fruits of apple trees measure 2 inches or more in diameter. And yes, crab apples are edible!
Natural range of distribution: 
Crabapples are native to temperate zones of the Northern hemisphere. This includes regions within Central Asia such as, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan. After trans-continental commerce, Malus trees can be found in parts of Europe and North America: the upper Mississippi Valley, Great Lakes Region, Italy, etc. Crabapple trees prefer moist & slightly acidic soils and relatively open areas. Some of their native habitats include forests, savannas, prairies, stream banks, etc.
Origin, history, and uses: 

Due to its sour taste, raw crab apples are not commonly used in cooking. However, in some southeast Asian cuisines, they are preserved or brewed as ciders. It is common for malus fruits to be grown for ornamentation. Additionally, crabapples are used as rootsocks to cultivate other apple varieties and as pollinizers in apple orchards. 

The lifecycle of Malus trees is typical to other deciduous trees. In early spring (April and May), crab apple trees usually flower. In months of early fall, crab apple trees shed their leaves. From September to November, Malus trees show their fruits, which stay on through the winter months.