Ode to the Flowering Dogwood:
Flowering Dogwood, wow I’d like more of ya.
Your scientific name is Cornus Florida.
Your leaves are green, simple, and untoothed.
Your fruits have a pit, that means they are drupe.
As you grow, your smooth bark will turn rough.
We can use your bark to build a lot of stuff.
While today you stand somewhat small.
You will grow from nine to thirty-three feet tall.
Lovely tree, you are beautiful and good
Lovely tree, the Flowering Dogwood. (x2)
In the spring, no leaves just buds instead
Summer and fall, leaves change from green to red
Every season, you’re the opposite of hideous
Winter-time, leaves shed since you’re deciduous
Your tree root bark is used to make a scarlet dye.
Your twigs are plentiful, slender, and spry.
So many flower buds from all your bud locations.
To visit you by Yale Health is our destination.
Lovely tree, you are beautiful and good
Lovely tree, the Flowering Dogwood. (x2)
Your bark is shock resistant.
Your beauty is quite consistent.
In America you are existent.
We love you, we’re insistent.
Lovely tree, you are beautiful and good
Lovely tree, the Flowering Dogwood. (x2)