Cornus kousa

The Chinese Dogwood (Cornus kousa)
Tree ID: 150
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2024
The Chinese Dogwood Tree, or Cornus kousa, is a small to medium tree originally native to East Asia. It was originally introduced to North America in the 19th century. It blooms in late April to early May. Kousa berries are soft, sweet, and edible, with a flavor that is similar to that of a...
Tree ID: 136
Date of tree entry: April 27, 2021
The kousa dogwood, which belongs to the Cornales order and the Cornaceae family, is an angiosperm. It is one of the sixty-five dogwood species that belong to the Cornus genus. This kousa dogwood is located in Bethesda, Maryland in an area with a large tree population. Several other kousa dogwood...
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