Lacebark Pine

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The lacebark pine, also known as Bunge's pine or the white-barked pine, is a pine tree native to the mountainous regions of northeast and central China. It can reach heights of 25 m and can withstand temperatures down to -26 degrees Celsius. It's known for its trademark "lace" bark--its bark is grey-green but can peel to reveal pale yellow "scales," which often turn olive brown, red, or purple when exposed to light. It is often cultivated as a part of ornamental gardens and is a symbol of longevity.
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Tree shape: 
Date of tree entry: 
3.00 m
Diameter at breast height: 
0.09 m

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The lacebark pine's bark is famous for its beauty when it is in its mature form. Young trees have simple, thick, gray-green bark, but when the tree matures, this peels to reveal patches of brown, cream, rust, and yellow. This makes it a popular tree to feature in ornamental gardens.
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The lacebark pine's branches initially form a pyramidal structure, but with age, the tree widens and takes on a broad, rounded shape. Mature trees are multi-trunked from very low on the ground. The twigs are grayish green, smooth, and shiny. With age, they become scaly. The tree is extremely slow to grow.
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The leaves are rigid, needle-shaped, and 2-4 inches long. They come in bundles--each fascicle has three leaves. The tree is evergreen and leaves persist for three to four years, which can make the tree look dense. The fascicles are widely structured and give the tree an open appearance.
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The lacebark pine is a typical pine in that its reproductive structures are monoecious. It is a gymnosperm and its reproductive structrues are therefore cones; it has no flowers as it is not an angiosperm. The cones are 2-3 inches long, oval-shaped, and brown. They have a broad scale and a triangular spine. Pollination occurs in the spring and seeds mature in the fall.
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The lacebark pine has no fruit; it is a gymnosperm.
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The lacebark pine is native to the mountainous regions of northeastern and central China. It often occurs on limestone rocks and on south-facing peaks, scattered with other species like angiosperms. Its altitude range is 500m to 2150m. It is fairly hardy and can live in acidic soil, and is thus commonly found in habitats that cannot support angiosperms. However, it is fairly hardy and can be grown almost anywhere with well-drained soil.
Origin, history, and uses: 

The lacebark pine is highly coveted as an ornamental plant. It has been planted in gardens and temples for centuries and is a symbol of longevity. In East Asia, the bark is sometimes used for lumber and the seeds and oil can be eaten.

The tree was first described in 1847 by Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini and Stephan Endlicher. The name Pinus bungeana honors Alexander von Bunge, who collected specimens of the tree when he worked as a Russian envoy to the Beijing imperial court and later wrote about the tree and the collections he made in China and Mongolia. 

The lacebark pine is evergreen and has no specified autumn foliage. Like other conifers, the tree has needle-like leaves that stay green year-round.
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