Eastern White Pine

Basic Information
Tree ID: 
Genus and species: 
This tree is a cultivar of the Eastern White Pine which means it was cultivated especially for decorative use.
Collected Data
Tree shape: 
Date of tree entry: 
5.50 m
Diameter at breast height: 
0.20 m

Twigs & branches
Reproductive Structures
Both photos were found from https://www.minnesotawildflowers.info/
  • February 25
  • March 5
  • Not this tree, but Pinus Strobus in summer
Natural range of distribution: 
Pinus Strobus grows well in a cool and humid climate but can grow in a variety of soils but does especially well in sandy, infertile, well-drained soils. They can be found dominating or codominating northern pine forests as well as growing in mixed hardwood forests.
Origin, history, and uses: 

The Eastern White Pine originally was found in large forests in Northeastern America until many of the forests were cut down due to extensive logging in the 18th and 19th centuries. Their wood was used to build ships for the British Navy. Now, these pines are planted in plantation forestry operations within the same regions of the Americas where they are naturally found. The wood of the pine is easy to cut and process. They are also commonly cultivated by plant nurseries, like this cultivar, and used as ornamental trees in parks and gardens. They are also commonly used as small Christmas trees because they hold their needles well.

Eastern white pines do not shed their needles during the winter and they remain green throughout the seasons. Male pines release pollen in spring through early summer and fertilization occurs in the summer as well, but usually a year after pollen release. The cones ripen and seeds release late summer/early fall around 2 years after initial fertilization. The seeds germinate in spring.
