The Fresh Prince of Hillhouse:
Now this is the story all about how
Marta saw me and raised her brow
“You’ll be in Yale Nature Walk if there’s a way.
Gotta assign you to Shan and Tay”
In West New Haven
Planted and raised
On High Street, where I spent most of my days
Chillin out maxin relaxin all cool
And getting fertilized outside of the school
When a couple of oaks,
That were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said, “you’re moving to Hillhouse with the students of Yale!”
Tour groups stroll by and when they come near
They look me up and down from front to rear
If anything I could say that they’re over zealous
I’ve been accepted at Yale, I think they’re jealous
Lab came by in the winter, ‘bout 7 or 8
Shook their heads as they left and said, “Why’s spring so late?”
But I looked at my students
They were finally here!
Shan and Tay were ready to get A’s for the year