Trees on the Yale Nature Walk

Tree ID: 88
Date of tree entry: February 7, 2018
With branches broader and more open than many other species of juniper, the Arizona Cypress is often used as a windbreak tree and can be found in western Texas, the southern High Plains, and the arid American Southwest, where it can tolerate the hot, dry conditions (1). The Arizona Cypress var. arizonica grows 20-25 m tall with a diameter of up to 75 cm (10). The tree is sometimes cultivated for use as a Christmas tree (2)
Rose acacia, Bristly locust
Tree ID: 86
Date of tree entry: February 7, 2018
Rose acacia, Bristly locust . This flowering shrub grows up to approximately 6 meters tall, featuring dark green, compound pinnate leaves on bristly stems, with clusters of fragrant, pea-like, rose-pink flowers that attract bees and butterlies in the late spring and early summer. The Rose acacia can tolerate poor, dry soils, and its flowers bloom either during late spring or early summer, and it's growth rate is relatively fast and moderate. Bristly locust is perhaps the best erosion control shrub for steep sloping sites with active erosion. It provides quick, woody, vegetative cover on droughty, critical areas needing stabilizing cover. In comparison with most other shrubs it will excel in seedling vigor. It has the ability to fix nitrogen in the soil, and with light shade it does not inhibit growth of annual and perennial herbs. SOURCE:
Tree ID: 84
Date of tree entry: February 7, 2018
The Weeping Willow-leafed Pear (Pyrus salicifolia) is a weeping shaped, deciduous tree native to the middle east and eastern europe. It can be found in woodland and stony areas. P. salicifolia can grow up to 25 feet, however the weeping variety commonly reaches 15 feet. It is hermaphroditic and has white flowers with five petals in the spring and pear-like, green, inedible fruits in the summer. This tree has extensive roots which can help prevent erosion, but it is also very vulnerable to fireblight.
Tree ID: 83
Date of tree entry: February 7, 2018
The Japanese red-cedar, otherwise called the "Japanese sugi pine" - known to the Japanese as Sugi - is a large evergreen tree which is native to Japan, can reach up to 70 m in height, and can reach trunk diameters of 4m. It serves as the national tree of Japan and is often planted around shrines and temples. Although it is an evergreen, some of the foliage has been known to bronze in cold winters. It is a pyramidal and sometimes irregular evergreen conifer with tiered horizontal branching. It is often found in moist forests that have deep, rich, well-drained soil. The bark is a red-brown color and peels in vertical strips. The needle like leaves are approximately 0.5-1 cm long while the globular seed cones are 1-2 cm in diameter and contain about 20-40 scales. The Japanese Red Cedar is often cultivated in China and planted in rows for timber production in many countries, which is why it has been deemed “economically productive”. The timber is fragrant, weather and insect resistant, soft, strong, and has a very low density, which makes it useful for furniture making and home construction. Our Japanese Red-Cedar won't reach the height of a full grown Red-Cedar since cultivation in the US is associated with much smaller (50-60 ft) versions. They are a monoecious species which reproduce via wind-based pollen and seed dispersal. The Japanese Red Cedar is susceptible to Phytophthora root disease, Armillaria root rot, and Juniper blight.
Image of Q. dentata in the winter, leaves attached.
Tree ID: 79
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2018
Observational details: The Korean oak was found amidst a construction site with a torn branch. It stood surveying the area as the last tree standing. Biological background: Quercus dentata is also known as the Korean oak, daimyo oak, or the Japanese emperor oak. The Korean oak is a deciduous tree, meaning it loses its leaves once a year. It is also an angiosperm, or a flowering plant, and it is a eudicot. This can be observed macroscopically from the venation of the leaves, and would also be apparent from the anatomy of the seed and the organization of vascular tissue within the tree. This specimen is 7.5 meters, or approximately 24 feet tall, and the species can grow to up to 20-25 meters. The Korean oak also has remarkably large leaves for its size, growing up to 40cm long and 30cm wide. Typically, the Korean oak flowers in May, with mature acorns appearing between September and October. Geographic distribution: Quercus dentata is originally native to East Asia, specifically Japan, China, and the Korean peninsula. It was introduced to the West in the nineteenth century. In the year 1830 it was transported to the British Isles, where it was occasionally cultivated in botanical gardens much like Yale's own Marsh Botanical Gardens. The acorns of the daimyo oak have been used in Korean cuisine since the time of the Three Kingdoms (57 B.C.E. to 668 C.E.).
Tree ID: 89
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2018
small, deciduous tree
Tree ID: 78
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2018
Hello! We're glad you've come to meet a good friend of ours, Magnolia grandifloria, "the Southern Magnolia", or as we have affectionately named her, Maggie Magnolia. Of course "her" is a misnomer since Maggie has perfect flowers, but read our section on reporductive structures for more about that. While most famous for growing in the southern portion of the United States, Magnolia grandiflora can actually grow as far north as Maine and Washington. It has broad leaves and is an evergreen, meaning it does not lose its leaves in winter. For this reason, and for its beautiful flowers, it is used as an ornamental tree. Magnolia grandiflora is the offical state tree of Mississippi and its flowers are the official state flower of Louisiana. Maggie is the (un-)official pride and joy of the Marsh Botanical Gardens. They are large and can grow to about 60-80 ft tall, but this depends on the habitat and some stay fairly small. Other names you may have heard this tree called by are Bull Bay, Evergreen magnolia, or Great Laurel magnolia. Look for creamy white flowers with a rich fragrance, broad, leathery leaves that are dark green on top and brown on bottom, and an overall oval or pyramidal shape. Enjoy your visit with Maggie!
Tree ID: 80
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2018
Pignut hickory (Carya glabra) is a common but not abundant species in the oak-hickory forest association in Eastern United States. Other common names are pignut, sweet pignut, coast pignut hickory, smoothbark hickory, swamp hickory, and broom hickory. The pear-shaped nut ripens in September and October and is an important part of the diet of many wild animals. The wood is used for a variety of products, including fuel for home heating. A North American native, Pignut Hickory is usually seen at 50 to 65 feet in height with a 30 to 40- foot-spread but is capable of slowly reaching 120 feet in the forest. The deciduous, 6 to 12-inch- long leaves create a coarse, oval canopy, and the strong but irregularly-spaced branches resist breakage in storms, making it useful as a shade tree.
Black locust tree at Marsh Botanical Garden
Tree ID: 81
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2018
The black locust is native to United States, although it has been planted all over North America, Europe, Asia, and South Africa. The species, Robinia pseudoacacia, is a deciduous angiosperm that is considered by many to be an invasive species. The wood of the black locust is very durable and used for many human purposes. Historically, Native Americans used the wood to make bows and tools. The flowers of the tree are strongly fragrant and pleasing to look at, although they often only appear for 7-10 days between May and early June.
Tree ID: 77
Date of tree entry: April 23, 2017
The Himalayan Pine is a beautiful tree native to the Himalayas, Karakoram, and Hindu Kush mountains. It is a coniferous evergreen that grows in altitudes of ~2000-4000 meters. The tree can grow up to 50 meters in height, but is more often 10 to 30 meters tall. It grows quickly and can thrive in moist environments. The branches of the pine can extend outward very far and are covered in blue-green needles all year. It is also known as the Blue Pine, the Bhutan Pine, and the Himalayan White Pine. This particular pine is in a wonderful location right on the corner of Hillside and Prospect, and is in a great place to take a walk or relax and enjoy nature.
