Trees on the Yale Nature Walk

Tree ID: 47
Date of tree entry: March 2, 2016
Cornus florida, commonly known as the flowering dogwood, is a beautiful tree located along the perimeter of the interior of the Grove Street Cemetery. Given its location right at the entrance and the bench placed under its relatively expanisve canopy, this tree welcomes visitors to the green space. In the late spring and early summer, its delicate white flowers offer some shade for those who choose to take a seat. Although it is not the tallest tree, its height is quite noticeable - the tree can be seen from the street, despite the brick walls surrounding the cemetery. As a decorative tree with many different appearances throughout the four seasons of New England, this particular tree is a wonderful attraction that everyone should stop to see on the Nature Walk!
Tree ID: 50
Date of tree entry: March 2, 2016
This weeping Higan cherry stands in Grove Street Cemetery. In mid-April it is a waterfall of pink blossoms when the surrounding trees remain bare. The common name of this tree derives from Ohigan, a Buddhist holiday celebrated in its native Japan on the autumnal and spring equinoxes. This particular weeping Higan cherry is 7.3m tall, although the species can grow to over 12m at maturity. Weeping Higan cherries can be remarkably long-lived: one famous tree in Japan is over 1,000 years old. Although the trees themselves may live centuries, the flowers linger only for a short time and consequently the cherry blossoms have long symbolized not only spring, but also the transience of all things.
Tree ID: 48
Date of tree entry: March 2, 2016
Stretching to over 6 m tall, the hawthorn stands in the Grove Street Cemetary. The hawthorn blossoms delicate flowers in the spring, and produce fruit that look like red orbs, which can be made into delectable jams, jellies, fruit preserves, wine, and other foods. Also called the thornapple or May-tree, the hawthorn is typically used as ornamental trees. The hawthorn is known for its hallmark thorns that protrude from its branches, and has become the center of many folkoric tales, legends, and beliefs.
Tree ID: 55
Date of tree entry: March 2, 2016
Taxus x media, also known as the Anglojap yew, is a cross between the English yew and the Japanese yew. It is a versatile tree that comes in many shapes, and sizes including large trees, small bushes, or even tall hedges. It is a popular hedge amongst gardeners, for the beautiful evergreen has thick foliage and coverage year round, allowing it to be used as a privacy screen or for the purpose of topiary (the art of trimming a tree into geometric forms). Some visual cues when looking for an Anglojap yew include foliage with two-ranked needles either straight or curved, a red "olive" looking fruit during the spring, and light brown scaly bark.
Tree ID: 54
Date of tree entry: March 2, 2016
The paper birch, known as a white birch, silver birch, or canoe birch, rarely lives more than 140 years. It is a medium-sized deciduous tree that thrives in well drained, sandy loams on cool moist sites and is primarily noted and praised for its beautiful white bark. This paperlike bark has traditionally been used by the North American Natives for canoe construction, hence its alternate name. It is the state tree of New Hampshire.
Tree ID: 58
Date of tree entry: March 2, 2016
The southern magnolia, a tree indigenous to the southeastern United States but sporadically found all along the East coast, is a broadleafed evergreen. It is relatively hardy, growing even in the colder climates of Washington, Michigan, and Maine, but fares best in the south. In fact, it is Mississippi's state tree. Southern magnolias typically grow to a height of sixty to eighty feet and a diameter of approximately forty feet. Because it can maintain its beautiful leaves year round, it is often planted as an ornamental flowering tree. It is also particularly sturdy, and as such is often used in the lumber industry to make furniture. Its alternate common names are laurel magnolia, evergreen magnolia, large-flower magnolia, and big laurel.
Tree ID: 19
Date of tree entry: March 1, 2016
This Katsura Vine is found in the Cretaceous Garden. While native to Eastern Asia with a rich history in Japanese folklore, this tree has been successfully transplanted to the United States. Its fallen leaves are special for their sweet fragrance.
Tree ID: 20
Date of tree entry: March 1, 2016
This sweet-smelling beauty is originally native to the eastern Gulf Coast and lowlands of New Jersey. She is a popular ornamental tree and adds class to any horicultural landscape with her large, attractive foliage. The sweetbay magnolia or "mags" or "mag-girl" was also the first magnolia to be cultivated in England; although, she was overshadowed by the larger, evergreen Southern magnolia there :( but mag-girl will always have a home in America: on Whitney Avenue and in our hearts.
Tree ID: 25
Date of tree entry: March 1, 2016
The Japanese Cedar looks dorky at first, and that's because, well, it is. But it's also dangerous. That's right. What looks like a dorky tree to you is known in Japan as the cause of hay fever outbreaks nationwide, Public Enemy #1. It's so severe that the Japanese government intervened with legislation to develop low-pollen producing varieties of the plant. You're gonna want to learn more.
Tree ID: 37
Date of tree entry: April 20, 2015
The pin oak refers to a red oak (Genus, Quercus; Section, Lobatae) of the Fagaceae Family. Plants of the Fagaceae family are distinguished from otheres by their simple leaves with pinnate venation, monoecious (i.e. hermaphroditic) reprodcutive capacity, and cupule-shaped fruits. The fruit of Quercus palustris is the acorn, roughly 15,000 of which will be produced by any given Pin Oak each year. The pin oak is also deciduous, meaning that it will abscise, or shed, its leaves each fall after dropping its zygote-bearing acorns. Oaks undergo abscission for a number of reasons; the pin oak does so to conserve water and nutrients during the drier seasons. A majority of water and nutrients taken up by the tree's vascular transport tissues are absorbed by the leaves, and the process demands incredible energy expenditure. Relative to other deciduous trees, the pin oak is medium-sized at maturity, reaching a full height of 18–22 meters. The trunk's diameter (base) can reach 1 meter and only rarely exceeds this size. My pin oak measures 22.3 meters in height, placing it among the tallest; trunk diameter is 0.79 meters. Growth proceeds slowly for the first 20 years - around the time acorn production begins - and thereafter accelerates markedly.
