Trees on the Yale Nature Walk

Tree ID: 104
Date of tree entry: February 7, 2019
This tree is on the slope leading to Marsh Botannical Gardens. It leans downhill and gives a delicate impression with one short trunk and seven thinner trunks branching off. It has a scaly bark and blooms in June. While most American smoketrees have short trunks, this tree has an especially short trunk because it was hit by a neighboring redwood as a young tree. This fall split the trunk into eight small branches. One was shaved off in March, so now there are seven branches coming out of the trunk and its diameter at breast height is smaller.
Tree ID: 103
Date of tree entry: February 7, 2019
The Seven Son Flower comes from the mountains of Central China, where it received its name for the flowers that come in clusters of seven. A cousin of the honeysuckle, this small tree is known for its colorful bark and beautiful white flowers that bloom in early fall.
Tree ID: 106
Date of tree entry: February 7, 2019
Hidden among the foliage near Marsh Botanical Gardens, this tree is hard to come across. In order to access this tree, one must have climbed through slushy mud or a sea of beautiful angiosperms, depending on the season. This tree is fairly large, standing at nearly twenty four meters tall. Aside from its height, this tree's most distinctive features include its unique branching and rough bark.
Tree ID: 105
Date of tree entry: February 7, 2019
Larix laricina, commonly referred to as the tamarack or American larch (USDA symbol LALA), is a slender, conical-shaped tree belonging to the Pinaceae (Pine) family that grows 40 to 80 feet tall. The larch species is the only known deciduous conifers aside from the bald cypress. Just like other deciduous trees, their tufts of glossy needles (typically a bright green) turn golden-yellow and fall off in autumn. The tamarack’s deciduousness makes it practically immune to the road salt that is frequently laid down during winters.
White oak in the fall
Tree ID: 98
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2019
Sprawling, beautiful tree outside of the Bett's house. It is the largest tree to the left of the house on the lawn. If you look closely, you'll see old etchings from lovers long ago.
Tree ID: 100
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2019
This elegant pine tree sits atop the Marsh Gardens, next to the walkway of Greeley Memorial Laboratory. It towers above the other trees and plants in the immediate surroundings. As an evergreen, it keeps its green foliage throughout the winter, while its neighbors shed their leaves.
Tree ID: 97
Date of tree entry: February 7, 2024
This deciduous tree is found throughout the United States, mostly east of the Mississippi on the continental US and in southern Ontario, but also with significant populations in Lousiana, Missouri, and Texas. Elevation-wise, it prefers to grow low on highlands of up to 3,000 ft. Further, it is also known to prefer wetlands. It can grow up to a height of 35 meters but tends to stay between 20 and 25 when it is fully grown. It can live to be 650 years old, and during its lifetime will contribute to honey production for bees, an will supply berries that are an important source of food for birds. When it is grown by humans, it is generally for the beauty of its bright red leaves in the fall. Further, its wood is very strong and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as pulleys, bowls, and pallets.
Tree ID: 99
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2019
The Formosa Sweet Gum tree is a deciduous tree native to Asia and North America. At full growth, it can reach up to 40 meters tall. This eudicot grows mostly in woodland areas in warm temperate zones. It is known for its beautiful red and yellow color and grows best in moist soils. Interestingly, the Sweetgum tree has many medicinal applications. Its sap has been known to treat illnesses including coughs and ulcers and has also been used in the production of the Tamiflu drug that fights various forms of influenza.
Tree ID: 101
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2019
Originating from Iran, this Persian Ironwood is situated in a patch of grass, between two other trees. While the tree may be small in width, it makes up for its narrow base with a plethora of branches, and orange leaves. The gray-green bark complements small flowering buds that reveal deep red flowers. This multi-branch shrub is an eye-catcher in the Marsh Botanical Garden, and should not be overlooked.
Image of Acer griseum
Tree ID: 96
Date of tree entry: February 6, 2019
This tree is known for its papery, peeling bark and distinctive orange-red color.
