
Tree ID: 52
Date of tree entry: March 2, 2016
This mighty tree stands tall and proud in the Grove Street Cemetary. The red oak, ever regal, outshines all the trees near it. https://www.facebook.com/yaleredoak
Tree ID: 37
Date of tree entry: April 20, 2015
The pin oak refers to a red oak (Genus, Quercus; Section, Lobatae) of the Fagaceae Family. Plants of the Fagaceae family are distinguished from otheres by their simple leaves with pinnate venation, monoecious (i.e. hermaphroditic) reprodcutive capacity, and cupule-shaped fruits. The fruit of...
Tree ID: 13
Date of tree entry: April 18, 2014
The weeping beech is a variety of European beech developed in England in 1836 and first introduced to the States in 1847. This particular weeping beech drapes its branches over the gentle slope of Farnam Gardens on Prospect Street. It’s hard to miss—gnarled roots emerging around the trunk and...
Tree ID: 16
Date of tree entry: April 11, 2014
This grand copper beech commands an expansive view from its perch on the easterly slopes of Prospect Hill, near the intersection of Edwards and Prospect. Sitting upslope from Farnam Gardens' urban meadow, beside Yale's planetarium, and overlooking the Yale Sustainable Food Project's...


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