Trees on the Yale Nature Walk

Tree ID: 25
Date of tree entry: April 11, 2014
Japanese Cedar
Tree ID: 23
Date of tree entry: April 12, 2014
Commonly known as mountain pine, dwarf mountain pine, and Swiss mountain pine—just to name a few—Pinus mugo has more names than any other conifer. A native to southwestern and Central Europe, mountain pine thrives in high elevation habitats and enjoys widespread popularity as an ornamental.
Tree ID: 20
Date of tree entry: April 11, 2014
Sweetbay Magnolia
Tree ID: 8
Date of tree entry: March 23, 2014
A rare find, this epaulette tree (Pterostyrax hispida) is the only one of its kind on the Yale Campus. The genus name refers to its fruits, "pteron" meaning "wing" and "styrax" refering to the ribbed fruit. The species name, "hispidus", references the fruit's bristly texture.
Tree ID: 7
Date of tree entry: March 21, 2014
The is Metasequoia glyptostroboides a rather tall standing around 66ft 5in though are still smaller than their larger redwood cousins (Sequoiadendron giganteum) on the west coast. For a while these trees were thought tho be extinct, as they had previously only been seen in the fossil record.
Tree ID: 3
Date of tree entry: March 17, 2014
This tree is a short, hardy, shrub-like tree native to Northern China and the Korean Peninsula that can be found near the short chain-link fence in the Marsh Gardens. It has corkscrew-like branches that are barbed and is also referred to as the Chinese bitter orange. This tree blooms in the spring and bears fruit in the fall (the fruit is pubescent (downy), citrus-like and great in a gin and tonic).
Tree ID: 29
Date of tree entry: February 27, 2014
Towering outside of Osborn Memorial Lab, this tree is very hard to miss. Aside from being nearly 100 feet tall, this tree's most distinctive features are the different colors and textures of the bark: dark and tough at the bottom, light and smooth at the top.
Tree ID: 6
Date of tree entry: February 20, 2014
Located near Marsh Botanic Gardens, this fine specimen of a tree is a rewarding sight to the brave souls who trek up Prospect Street. Commonly known as rowan trees, American mountain ash are popular ornamentals in gardens and are widely used as street trees. In the spring and summer months they produce showy white flowers followed in the fall by orange berries that feed several species of birds and small mammals. Additionally, American mountain ash are the preferred snack of moose who feed on its foliage, twigs, and bark. Fear not, however, as this particular tree, nestled safely in New Haven, is not subjected to the ravages of wandering moose.
Tree ID: 11
Date of tree entry: April 21, 2014
The American sweetgum is a large shade tree with an ovular shape. It can be found throughout most of the United States as a forest tree in the Southeast and an ornamental in gardens and cities. This tree is often planted in parks where its height, ranging from 70-120 feet, and sprawling branches, spreading 40-50 feet, create shade for visitors. You can identify the American sweetgum by its star-shaped leaves and hard, spiky, spherical fruits. This specific American sweetgum grows along Prospect Street, just above the Marsh Botanical Gardens and across from the Farnam Memorial Gardens.
Tree ID: 9
Date of tree entry: February 5, 2014
The horse chestnut is a shade and ornamental tree with an upright elliptical shape. It is native to southeast Europe (particularly the Pindus mountains mixed forests and the Balkan mixed forests of the Balkan peninsula), but it was introduced into other parts of Europe as well as North America. The horse chestnut is easily grown from seed and tolerates city life well, which is why it is often planted along streets (Little 1980; "Herbs at a Glance", 2008). This particular horse chestnut is the gateway to the Marsh Botanical Gardens, which is just down the hill from this tree. It has a lovely view of sunset through the many other beautiful trees in the area.
